Monday, April 14, 2014

Talk about Fad Diets

We spoke on this subject before and I felt the need to revisit, with more insight. These crazy plans-and we must agree many are crazy- actually offer mental tricks that can help you stick to a healthy lifestyle, not just "dieting". Skip the starvation, but steal their insights.
Tempted to try a new get-slim-quick scheme? There's a good reason. "Fad diets are designed to connect with our emotions in ways that healthy ones don't". They tap into human nature and what inspires us. Use that as motivation-boosting power to supercharge you own (sane) eating plan.

1) Start Strong. Diets that are low-carb and high-protein often start with an "induction" period when you swear off refined carbs or eliminate almost everything except lean protein. It's hard-core, but that's part of he point: Pain equals pride. "A drastic change makes you feel tougher, and you believe you'll be successful because you survive it". Kick off your own era of healthy eating with a big dietary change, too: Pick your biggest food pitfall (let's say sugar-just a guess!) and eliminate it for a few weeks. You'll be so proud that you'll be motivated to stick to other parts of your diet. Just be sure to make a mental note that the transition was tough. "That way, you avoid falling back into old habits, because you won't want to put yourself through that ordeal again," so they say.

2) Narrow your options. Limiting your diet to, say, grapefruit and bison helps take the guesswork out of eating. "The more options you have, the more likely you are to make a bad choice." Not only that, when more options are available, you're prone to gorge. There was a study conducted giving people free rein over a bowl of M&M's. When the bowl has 10 colors of candy, people ate 43% more than when there were 7. "Variety, or even a perception of it, can increase consumption".  Try plotting out four or five healthy options for each meal and rotate among them, nixing what's not on the plan. Continue until you get sick of them, then refresh your menu with a new set of choices.

3) Throw some money at it. Fad diets often involve purchases-elixirs, apps, books, seminars. There's a mind game at work: Spending cues you to make an emotional investment. And since you ponied up them cash, you feel obligated to stick to he plan. "Fear of wasting money can override a short-term food craving. So do a little splurging yourself. Relish those fancy goji berries (a SELF superfood!) at get that Benz-grade smoothie blender you've been coveting. Just eyeing them reminds you to make good on those investments and eat healthy all the time.

4) Be a trendsetter. Fact is, fad diets are newsier than celebrity breakups, so if someone in your office is only eating raw food, everyone wants to know all about it. When you cube mate asks about your discipline, you get a little share-your-secret ego bump and it helps out stick to it. But any healthy, eye-catching new food does the trick. Try this: Bring a plate of DIY veggie sushi to work. (a) You'll instantly be office MVP, and (b) when everyone asks for the recipe, say it's part of your super-sane, no-more-lunch-sandwiches regimen. All those people who have been chugging kombucha for three days straight will be thrilled to chew food again. Instant followers!

5) Make it new. We love novelty, and fad dies play into that. Starting a new meal plan can keep us engaged and excited. "When you adopt different behaviors, it automatically triggers a massive feeling of success. Strategies like reducing portions certainly work, but they can be a yawn. Instead, make a more fundamental change: If you're a takeout fiend, cook meals at home three nights a week, using a cookbook with exotic and healthy recipes. Even the tiniest thing can re-excite you, so get that new bento box lunch container. "Sometimes the best of faddish food is the pretty packaging", they say.

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