Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Liquids to Drink in Order to Lose Weight

What to drink is a problem for many people who are on a diet. Many people seem to then to draw a distinction between food calories and liquid calories. This means that someone who dieted fastidiously and worked out could sabotage his/her own efforts simply by drinking a big glass of high-calorie orange juice. Fortunately there are some drinks you can drink that can help, or at least not harm your weight-loss efforts.

Water-Simple water is the best liquid to take in both for weight loss and simple health. It delivers exactly what your body needs: water. It contains no calories, sodium, sugars or bad fats. Water also fills your stomach for free, helping you curb hunger and eat less at meals.
When you consume a cold drinks in your body, you burn about one calorie per ounce to warm the body temperature. Although eight calories per cup doesn’t seem like much, it’s an easy way to get just a little edge on your weight loss with each and every glass your drink. I recommend both ice water and unsweetened iced tea for this method, as neither drink carries any calories.

There a number of diet teas that purport to help you lose weight. Some of teas include stimulants similar to those found in diet pills or even laxatives to help excrete your way to losing weight. Diet spotlight reports that green tea, not specialized diet tea, has undergone a wide clinical study. Some of those studies found that green tea produces a thermogenic response in the body, boosting the metabolic rate by slightly raising body temperature. Your metabolism regulates how fast you burn calories, so green tea can lead to weight loss. Green tea also contains, a stimulant used in many diet pills, but it’s all natural.

Being a Nutritionist, I’ve found that sometimes nutrition can sometimes be difficult when you’re on a diet. Your limited calorie budget can make it hard to eat all the vitamins and minerals you need. Often high in calories, a nutrition or meal replacement shake can deliver the things your body needs quickly and efficiently, often in fewer calories than you would need to get the same benefit by eating food. Finding the right protein can be found with the help of a Nutritionist and/or Professional Personal Trainer.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the very useful and handy information that anyone should have while following any diet.
