Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blending vs Juicing

Blending (in Vitamix) vs Juicing - Juicing has its glass of juice equals to about a pound of carrots, which few of us could get. Unfortunately most of the valuable anti-cancer nutrients in the vegetables gets tossed in the trashed when the pulp is discarded. Using a Vitamix blender will keep ALL the valuable nutrients in while allowing you to consume more vegetables in liquid form.

In the whole fruit and vegetables lies a universe of nutrients that we will never fully understand but are there for our maximum benefits. Extracting juice from the fruits and vegetables makes as much sense as eating white flour.

When we decided to remove the fiber from the whole fruits, vegetables and grains, we began a history's greatest epidemic outbreak of obesity, heart disease, cancer and more.

There are 10 times more health giving photochemical agents in blended whole fruits and vegetables than in juice extracted from vegetable pulp.

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