Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Angel's Tortilla Soup (Vegetarian with a Non-Vegetarian Style Twist)

Phase 1
1 cube bullion (chicken or vegetable or no-chicken)
3 cilantro stems
1/2 Roma tomato
6 small carrots
1 small piece of onion
1 small slice of jalapeƱa
3 small sleeves of cabbage
1 thinly slice of red, yellow and orange bell peppers
1/3 slice of red, orange and yellow sweet peppers
1/2 celery stalk
1 tbsp of Blend I Up! Spice Blend Seasoning
3 cups of hot water (You don't have to use hot water, you can allow machine to run beyond 3 1/2 minutes, it will heat up on its on. This only saves time.)

1 thinly slice of red, yellow and orange bell peppers
1/3 slice of red, orange and yellow sweet peppers
3 cilantro stems
1/4 slice of Roma tomato
1 cup Chicken (optional.....must be already cooked)
1/4 Avocado
1cup Chips
1/4 Cheese

Place all ingredients in 5200 or 6300 Vitamix machine in the order listed. On the 6300 you will use the manual side of the machine for this soup. After all ingredients are inside, turn machine on, immediately turn to 10 speed and immediately click from variable to high. Add  water, if you added hot water then allow machine to run for 3 minutes, if added cold or room temperature water, then allow machine to run for 5 minutes.

At this point the machine has run it course ( whether 3 or 5 minutes) you will now slow the machine down to 1 and and click from high to variable, this is the lowest level for food processing.

We are now ready to add any additional ingredients we choose for texturizing.  This whole process will only take 20 seconds. This will make it chunky. I do add the additional cilantro and tomato first, then turn machine up to 4 and allow to process for 10 seconds. (I don't want to cook, I'm only processing to chop up a bit. Now turn machine back down to 1 and leave here until complete.

Now lets add sweet peppers and bell peppers, black beans, corn, avocado, (cheese and chicken if desired).

At the very end you can add a hand full of chips or approximately 2 cups.
Make sure you monitored time and speed for soups to come out perfect every time.


Please feel free to email me amjones@livinglifegolden.com

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