The key to losing your love handles (the fat stored at the sides of your stomach area) is to combine a healthy diet, cardio exercise and specific lower abdominal exercises. Controlling your diet will help you build energy and reduce fat. This can be accomplished by eating a healthy varied diet and most importantly cutting the amount of calories you receive on a daily basis.
Now, apart from controlling your diet you will need to exercise. The first type of exercise you will need to do is cardiovascular exercise (cardio). The main benefit of cardio workouts when trying to lose love handles is that first of all you’re getting healthier which will lead to more energy when exercising. The second reason for cardio exercise is that it is extremely effective at burning off fat. Unfortunately it isn’t possible to target specific areas of fat when doing cardio exercise; this is where you will need to step it up.
After establishing that you need a healthy calorie controlled diet and regular cardio exercise to lose love handles we now come to another important factor. So far we have talked about losing weight and of course this is important , however you need to also include targeted exercises that directly affect your lower abdominal. The best exercises for the lower abdominal area are side bends and hip rolls – with these three components combined you should be able to easily get rid of those irritating love handles.
If you’re still having trouble here are some tips to help out:
• Eat early – Eating late at night is a big problem for a lot of people when it comes to losing weight as the vast majority of people will not be active in the late evening, try not to eat late and not to snack.
• No junk food – Yes junk food tastes nice but it is seriously bad for your health and if you are trying to lose weight it’s an absolute no. Junk food is full of saturated fats, try replacing junk food with healthy food gradually over time.
• Fresh food – Most people go for convenience when it comes to food and cooking but with a little extra effort you can make your meals much healthier by buys fresh produce and this will help boost your energy levels so exercise isn’t such a chore.
• Less alcohol – It should be no surprise to anyone who drinks alcohol that alcohol is extremely fattening and the fat produced by alcohol will go straight onto your lower abdomen. Tyr to stop drinking or cut down.
• Exercise – The best way of losing weight is simple exercise. This can even be as simple as walking more often say to your local shops or your workplace, every little bit of effort counts.
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