Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a suubstance that, in the human body, mimics Leutenizing Hormone (LH). LH is secreted by your body, and its secretion then signals the body to begin releasing testosterone.
hCG is typically employed by steroid-using athletes to bring back some naturally produced testosterone into their bodies. However, hCG is clinically used both to induce ovulation and treat certain ovarian disorders in women.
In men it utilized to stimulate the testes in hypogonadal men (men who are not producing testosterone). It has also shown promise in the treatment of undescended testicles in young males.
The action of hCG in males is very similar to that LH, because they are chemically similiar and since LH binds to receptors on human Leydig cells, we see a similar mechanism of action with hCG. Once it binds and begins to stimulate the receptors of the Leydig cells, it begins to trigger the synthesis and secretion of testestosterone. However, hCG will only sned an "artificial" signal to the testes through Leydig cell stimulation. Thus, it is possible that hCG use can cauuse Leydig cell desensitization. I don't know of anyone who has actually experienced this, nor who have claimed that it's happened to either them or a friend, or whatever-anecdotal evidence here is scarce.
There are two schools of thought regarding hCG use, and neither are very new. In fact, both have been around since the earliest books on underground steriod use, and were spoken about more than a decade ago by Dan Duchane (Underground Steriod Handbook) and also by W. Nathaniel Philips (Anabolic Reference Guide volume 1-6).
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