Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fruits and Vegetables for Hypothyroidism


The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and manufactures two hormones known as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones regulate cell function and metabolism. According to the British Thyroid Foundation, one in 20 people have some form of thyroid disorder. If the thyroid produces too little thyroxine, it leads to a disorder called hypothyroidism. If a person's thyroid produces too much thyroxine, hyperthyroidism occurs. Other thyroid disorders include thyroid eye disorder, thyroid cancer and thyroid nodules. Certain vitamins help the thyroid to function correctly.

Some traditional doctors do not believe that including certain foods in the diet is helpful to people who suffer from hypothyroidism. However, there are many holistic doctors who strongly believe that diet can be either beneficial or harmful to people with a hypothyroid.

Both fields of medicine agree that there are some foods and supplements that should be avoided by the hypothyroid patient. They also agree that eating a healthy diet is an important part of staying healthy in general.
Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these supplements.

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Several of the B vitamins help the thyroid to function properly. Vitamins B1 and B6 play an essential role in the production of thyroid hormones and are especially important for people with an overactive thyroid. Vitamin B3 also helps the cells of the thyroid gland to work efficiently. A deficiency of vitamin B2 suppresses thyroid function and hinders the production of thyroid hormones. B vitamins are found in foods such as fish, meats and dairy products. However if you're vegan or vegetarian then leafy green vegetables are also rich sources of B vitamins.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is found in fruits and vegetables. MedlinePlus notes that good sources of vitamin C include tomatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits, and red and green peppers. There is really no way to eat the amount of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis.

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these supplements.

To become a customer visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden click Register (at top of page), select New Customer, click continue and follow the steps.....

Vitamin E deficiency is associated with an over-production of thyroid hormones. A vitamin E supplement may be needed by patients with an overactive thyroid as these patients tend to use up vitamin E more quickly. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects cells from free radical-induced damage. It is found in foods such as nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and green leafy vegetables. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements notes that vitamin E deficiency is rare, though people with digestive disorders may have a vitamin E.

Raw vegetables are fresher than cooked veggies. Many times they should are also be grown organically. Raw foods reportedly have good effects on the metabolism. Since one of the main problems for the hypothyroid sufferer is a slow metabolism, raw vegetables are truly beneficial.

Foods rich in vitamin A are also beneficial. Yellow vegetables, carrots and dark green vegetables all contain high amounts of vitamin A. Vitamin A is also a proven antioxidant.

Zinc and copper are important minerals that help the body produce the thyroid hormone. Foods that contain zinc include beef, chicken, seafood, oatmeal, beans, spinach, seeds and nuts. Foods rich in copper include eggs, beans, nuts and raisins.

Drinking juice that contains chlorophyll helps the digestion and helps to regenerate cells, both of which are beneficial for the thyroid. Select juices that contain ingredients like radishes, carrots, tomatoes, celery, zucchini, kelp, alfalfa, leafy greens, beet tops, green peppers, parsley, seaweeds, sprouts and watercress.

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these

Diets for people with hypothyroidism

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these supplements.

To become a customer visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden click Register (at top of page), select New Customer, click continue and follow the steps.....

Foods That Shrink Fibroids

Maintaining a healthy diet rich in nutrients and vitamins may help relieve or control the symptoms of fibroids. Also called uterine fibroids, these noncancerous growths form in the uterus of women. They contribute to symptoms such as pelvic pain, frequent urination, cramping, pain in the back or one leg and constipation. According to MayoClinic.com, the role of diet and specific vitamins in the prevention or treatment of fibroids is inconclusive. However, certain foods may help relieve and control symptoms so that your fibroids do not grow larger.

Foods Rich In Antioxidants
Antioxidants function to protect you from free radical damage that can lead to tissue damage and infection. Antioxidants act to strengthen your immune system and enable you to fight disease and inflammation that can contribute to health problems. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants can help you fight symptoms of fibroids, allowing time for them to heal. Antioxidants can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, berries, melons and citrus fruits.

91.7% Fibroids Success Women Worldwide Are Avoiding The Hysterectomy. You Can Too. Safely
by changing your diet.

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these supplements.

To become a customer visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden click Register (at top of page), select New Customer, click continue and follow the steps.....

Foods Rich In Vitamin D
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin D can help decrease inflammation in your body that contributes to the development and aggravation of pain symptoms. Vitamin D is important for the proper functioning of calcium in your body. Calcium helps you maintain a healthy muscle tone that can prevent or relieve cramping symptoms associated with fibroids. This can allow fibroids to heal and not be further triggered by pain symptoms. Good dietary sources of vitamin D include whole eggs and fatty fish such as salmon and canned sardines with bones. Fortified milk, including soy milk and cow's milk, are also good sources.

Oils And Nuts
Consuming a diet rich in healthy oils and nuts may help you relieve and reduce your fibroid symptoms. These foods are rich in vitamin E. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin E-rich foods can help reduce cramping and menstrual pain symptoms that are associated with fibroids. Good sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils such as olive oil, soybean oil and canola oil. Nuts and nut butters are also good sources and include almonds, pecans and peanut butter.

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these supplements.

To become a customer visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden click Register (at top of page), select New Customer, click continue and follow the steps.....

Garlic and Onions
Garlic and onions are high in antioxidants and have natural anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to boosting immunity and being a natural antibiotic, garlic also inhibits the growth of tumors. It is best to eat it raw, as cooking destroys some of its nutrients.

Legumes are rich in phytoestrogens and acts as a fibroid fighter. Including pinto beans, kidney and black beans in your diet would be good. Legumes are high in fibers and may aid in treatment of fibroids.

Nuts and seeds
Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and especially Brazil nuts are all excellent sources of fatty acids and a great source of protein. Brazil nuts contain selenium which is good for encouraging a healthy uterine lining. Include five to 10 Brazil nuts in your diet every day.

Fruits and Vegetables
You should consume five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day, especially dark green, leafy vegetables. Broccoli, especially the sprouts contain an enzyme that has been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors in laboratory animals. Kale contains a phytochemical known as isothiocyanate that is thought to suppress tumor growth. Fruits high in vitamin C such as, citrus fruits are also beneficial.

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these supplements.

To become a customer visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden click Register (at top of page), select New Customer, click continue and follow the steps.....

Fish may aid in fighting fibroids; the oil in cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel has anti­inflammatory properties, which may help relieve fibroid symptoms. Fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce body fat and flush out excess estrogen which contributes to fibroids. According to the American Dietetic Association, current dietary recommendations are to include fish in your meals at least twice a week.

Fiber Rich Foods
According to Dr. Ronald Hoffman of New York, a high fiber diet will decrease blood estrogen levels. Fiber may bind to the hormone and draw it out of the body. Fiber rich foods to include are, whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, oat bran and almonds.

While water is non-nutritive, it helps flush out toxins from the body and assists in liver function while balancing hormone levels. This prevents an increase in estrogen production and reduces fibroid growth. Good hydration is essential, drink eight to ten glasses of water per day.

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrilite Antoxidant Complex supplements would be an alternative source. Visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden for more information about these supplements.

To become a customer visit http://www.amway.com/livinglifegolden click Register (at top of page), select New Customer, click continue and follow the steps.....

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is NOT Whole Foods?

What is NOT in Whole Foods?

Growth Hormones
Hormone Disrupters
Toxic Metals (i.e. arsenic)
Aflatoxins (fungal by products) etc.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why are antioxidants important?

Why are antioxidants important?

Antioxidants are you natural defense against free radicals. Free radicals oxidize compounds in your cells, starting a chain reaction of instability and damage. It can start with a tiny (barely noticeable) trace of toxic that spread rapidly throughout the body. The antioxidants I speak about in the Woulds Best Plant based Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrients help neutralize free radicals in five categories and offer protection.

The Ultimate Multivitamin!

Email me for your FREE Nutritional Assessment - amjones@livinglifegolden.com.

Email me for your FREE Nutritional Assessment - amjones@livinglifegolden.com. 

What's a phytonutrients and why are there so many in My supplements?

What's a phytonutrients and why are there so many in My supplements? 

Phytonutrients are naturally occurring chemicals in plants that help fight off insects, resist disease, promote healthy growth, and enhance survival. The supplements I recommend has included the plants nutrients in its supplement formulas because of their health benefits to humans. The phytonutrients founds in the 20 concentrates in these supplements offer both broad and targeted antioxidant protection. 

Email me for your FREE Nutritional Assessment - amjones@livinglifegolden.com. 

Free Nutritional Assessment

If you're going to supplement, why not start with the worlds Best Multivitamins. Full of Plant enriched based Vitamins/Minerals/Phytonutrients. 

Email me for a FREE Nutritional Assessment-amjones@livinglifegolden.com  

Why Plant Based Nutritional Supplements are Important!

Why Plant Based Nutritional Supplements are Important! 

I used to be afraid to take additional supplements outside what I received while eating my foods. I got into Fitness, furthered my studies and learned I needed a good supplement. However I didn't want anything with fillers and additives that weren't conductive for my health and fitness goals or my total well being. In my research in learned I do in fact need a good plant based nutritional supplement.

 A national medical journal recommends that ALL adults should take one multivitamin daily. This is true even if you already eat diet rich in fresh, WHOLE, natural foods. The foods you consume often don't supply ALL the vitamins and minerals you need, at The Recommended Levels. 

If you're going to supplement, why not start with the worlds Best Multivitamins. Full of Plant enriched based Vitamins/Minerals/Phytonutrients. 

Email me for a FREE Nutritional Assessment-amjones@livinglifegolden.com  

Wheatgrass Juice Cocktail

Wheatgrass Juice Cocktail

1/4 collard chopped fresh greens
1/4 kale
1/4 spinach
1/4 sliced cucumber
1/4 tsp fresh powder wheatgrass
1/4 Pomegranate Organic blend juice
1/4 Cherry Tart Organic blend juice
1 tbsp Maple syrup
1/4 Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high. Blend to a smooth creamy mixture for 60 seconds. Drink regularly to encourage happiness on the inside. Drink as often as you like.

Skin Saver Smoothie

Skin Saver Smoothie

1/2 cup cucumber
1/2 carrots (baby)
Handful of spinach
1/2 parsley
1 tbsp Aloe Vera Juice
1 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high. Blend to a smooth creamy mixture for 60 seconds.

Drink regularly to encourage beautiful glowing skin and anti aging.

Immune Booster Smoothie

Immune Booster Smoothie

1 Apple (quartered)
1/2 Lemon
1 tsp ginger
1/2 cup fresh Herbal Ice Cubes (your mixture)
1/2 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high. Blend to a smooth creamy mixture for 60 seconds.

Drink regularly to boost your immune system. Healthy Goodness!!!

Herbal Ice

Herbal Ice

1 tsp of each of: mint, basil, parsley, cilantro, savory, Oregon, rosemary, garlic leaves, sage leaves, thyme, hickory, all spice and bay leaves (your choice of herbs)
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
1 ice tray (your choice)
On a cutting board cut all the leaves into small pieces, then mix everything in a small bowl. Add the pinch if cayenne pepper. Fill ice cubes with distilled or spring water. Sprinkle herbal mix over ice and freeze. Can make several trays, the pop out and fill in ziploc freezer bags. Leave in freezer for later use.

Sweet Energy Snack

Sweet Energy Snack

3 Dates
1/2 dried mangos (or your choice of fruit)
3 figs
1/2 cup Pomegranate seeds
1/2 dried cranberries seeds
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup pistachios
Blend on high for 45 seconds, until sticky and gooey small ball forms. Scoop out product and drizzle a tsp of amply syrup over and eat. Yummy!!

Peach Sherbet Dessert

Peach Sherbet Dessert

3 cups peaches (fresh or frozen)
1/4 coconut milk (your choice)
1 tsp maple syrup Grade B
1 tsp. vanilla flavoring
1/2 banana
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 45 seconds. Keep Tamper close by in case needed. You will see four mounds in the corners which indicate product is dozen.

Morning Fresh Juice

Morning Fresh Juice

1 hunk of Pineapple
1/2 Orange
1/4 Lemon
1/4 water
Agave (to taste)
1/4 cup Ice
Blend on sped 10, flip to high for 60 seconds . Now serve your family something fresh and naturally sweet, every morning.

Vegan Avocado Chocolate Pudding

Vegan Avocado Chocolate Pudding

2 Avocado
2 tbsp Coconut Milk (Non Dairy, unsweetened vanilla, 45 calorie) or your choice
1 tbsp of Cocao Powder
2 Dates (optional)
1 tbsp Chia seeds (optional)
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 45 seconds, until you receive the results of a creamy chocolate pudding. Chill for 30 minutes or more. Yummy!!!

Antioxidant Pudding

Antioxidant Pudding

2 tbsp Fage (fat free) Greek Yogurt
1/4 cup blackberries
1/4 cup dark cherries
1/4 cup blue berries
1/4 cup wild blue berries
1 Date
1 tbsp Flaxseed
2 tbsp Chia Seeds
1/4 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 45 seconds. Use tamper to make sure all product is going down on blade.

Breakfast sorbet

Breakfast sorbet

1/4 cup Organic Lemonade Concentrate
1/2 Banana (peeled)
1/2 Orange (peeled, saving as much pith)
Large Handful of Spinach
4 Dates
2 1/2 cups of Ice
Blend for 45 seconds. Use tamper if necessary to push product down onto blade. S good I can hardly resist eating right out of container. Pure Healthy goodness!

Non-Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream

Non-Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream

1/4 cup Non dairy, Soy Free, french vanilla dairy creamer or coconut milk vanilla bean (or your choice)
1oz organic sugar
1/2 banana
1 cap of vanilla flavoring
2 cups of Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 45 seconds. Use the tamper to make sure product is pushed down on the blade.  

Note: to change flavors for chocolate add sweetened coco powder or (fresh or frozen) strawberries or fresh mint leaves or whatever you choose.

Berry Goodness Margarita

Berry Goodness Margarita

1/2 Orange (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2  Lemon (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2 Lime (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1 handful Goji (fresh or frozen)
1/4 cup Raspberries (fresh or frozen)
6 Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 cup Simple Limeade
3 tbsp Agave (or sweetened to taste)
1/2 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 60 seconds. Good for you and good to you!

Chocolate Margarita

Chocolate Margarita

1/2 Orange (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2  Lemon (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2 Lime (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1 handful  of Sweetened Cocoa Powder
1/2 Banana
1 cup Simple Limeade
3 tbsp Agave (or sweetened to taste)
1/2 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 60 seconds.

Can be garnished with sprinkled chocolate chops. This is pure creamy chocolaty goodness!!

Strawberry Margarita

Strawberry Margarita

1/2 Orange (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2  Lemon (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2 Lime (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1 handful  of Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 cup Simple Limeade l
3 tbsp Agave (or sweetened to taste)
1/2 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 60 seconds.



1/2 Orange (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2  Lemon (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2 Lime (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1 handful  of Powergreens (blend of Kale, Spinach, Red and Green Swiss Chard and Arugula)
1 cup Simple Limeade
3 tbsp Agave (or sweetened to taste)
1/2 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 60 seconds.

These greens will not change the taste of the margarita!!!

Super-fruit - Antioxidant Margarita

Super-fruit - Antioxidant Margarita

1/2 Orange (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2  Lemon (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2 Lime (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/4 cup Blackberries
1/4 cup Blueberries
1/4 cup Dark Cherry Juice (organic)
1/4 cup Pomegranate (organic)
1 cup Simple Limeade
3 tbsp Agave (or sweetened to taste)
1/2 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 60 seconds. Taste delicious with or without spirits!

 This makes all your organs and inside smile. It's so good to you and good for you!!!

Pineapple Margarita

Pineapple Margarita

1/2 Orange (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
1/2  Lemon (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)  1/2 1/2 Lime (skinned saving as much of the pith {thick white skin that covers inside} as possible)
 Hunk of Pineapple
1 cup Simple Limeade
3 tbsp Agave (or sweeten to taste)
1/2 cup Ice
Blend on speed 10, flip to high for 60 seconds.

Note: These are regular Non-Alcoholic beverages, however of you choose to add Alcohol, its an option!!!