I consider myself as an extreme optimist. I set out on a journey years ago not knowing exactly what it was that I wanted to do. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than me. It was through perseverance that The Well Woman Research Organization dba LivingLifeGolden.com was birthed and through adversity the business was conceived. The Legacy begins….and I’m “Living my life like its Golden” giving Hope to others. I’ve believe I’ve found my purpose – The Well Woman Research Organization.
There a book I read years ago, Fight Fat after Forty, as approaching what was said to be an undesirable age “40”. Not so undesirable. I’m loving it! I’ve learned a lot about myself and a lot about my body. After being introduced to the world of stress – and the fat connection it was and still is life changing. I now have made it my mission to help educate the world on preventing Toxic Fat that sits around our abdominal area. For women the stubborn fat inside your belly that accumulates when stress is out of control has been linked to the cause of many chronic diseases.
Women’s health is getting worse! More than 35 percent of women carry at least 50 pounds more than what’s recommended for optimal health. What’s painful and frightening at the same time is our daughters are becoming so sedentary and overweight, they risk being the first generation to not live as long as their parents. The most successful hopeful plan for today’s women would have to factor in the realities of a women’s whole life – a full-time career, motherhood, being a wife (for some), endless care giving, and the stress the comes with doing it all. There’s significant importance of specific nutrients for women’s health like calcium, iron and folic acid. This is important why? Because it’s need to accommodate the fluctuations in mood, energy, and appetite, that happens around the time before and during a women monthly cycle or during peri-menopause. During this stressful time it would also address issues of emotional eating and poor body image – issues that women struggle with on a daily basis, while men and children alike are now facing too.
The word challenge for me has taken on a new meaning…suggesting hope, possibility and empowerment. Accepting the challenge means quitting is not an option.
The mind/body programs suggest as transformation, which synthesizes the newest science; my expertise in the fields of fitness, nutrition, stress and metabolism; and my experience of helping to teach people about revitalizing their health and their lives. The Well Woman Research Organization refined programs, a natural, healthier, interactive plan for healthier living that incorporates information and nutrition, exercise, and stress management specifically chosen to help achieve Living a Golden Life!
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